Individual music lessons

Piano lessons, guitar lessons with fun...

Besides the Group courses we also offer individual music lessons at the Berlimus House. These lessons can be easily adapted to individual needs and requirements. Personal goals, the time available and your own ambition play a role. Of course, the greatest progress is achieved with regular lessons and continuous activity. But it is also entirely possible to set smaller goals and, above all, to focus on having fun. No matter how ambitious you are, it should never be neglected!


Get to know each other first!

In order to be able to make the right offer, it is very important to get to know each other in a preliminary conversation. This can also be done by telephone. This could be followed by a practical lesson with the teacher. (approx. 45min/20 EUR) If everyone is happy and satisfied afterwards, nothing stands in the way of plunging into the pleasure of working together on music to the agreed extent. Financing will of course be discussed individually in advance. Different models are possible: payment for each individual lesson or in blocks of 10 units, then of course with a discount. The basic price is 35 EUR per 45 min.

Timbre Entwicklung

Musical possibilities

Guitar for beginners: Basics of song accompaniment, basics of classical guitar
Guitar for advanced players: song accompaniment expanded; different picking patterns and hitting techniques, expanded harmonic spectrum
Piano for beginners: Basics of technique, simple literature of various styles, combination with rhythm training and voice
Piano for advanced students: Expansion of the piano repertoire, expansion of stylistic knowledge and skills from early music to jazz, exchange of methodology in piano lessons
Voice for beginners: General voice training, breathing, voice position, register balancing
Singing for beginners: Stylistically adapted singing technique, study of simple singing literature in the desired style
Singing for advanced students
Advanced vocal technique, study of more sophisticated vocal literature in the desired style

Gesangsunterricht mit Stil

There's more...

Accompaniment for singers and instrumentalists:  Study of previously agreed literature of different styles and eras
Professional recording: Recording and documentation of progress until CD readiness
Arrangement and music production: Joint development of simple to complex music arrangements 

Training and fun: the right strategy

We try to find the right teachers for all music focuses. However, collaborative thinking is the basis of success, not the antiquated model of the authoritarian teacher-student relationship! Together we try to structure the collaboration in such a way that, in addition to the desired progress, the joy of music remains an essential component. There is a lot of interesting literature on the subject of “practicing properly”, here is the one worth reading link to the summary of a show on BR classic “Practice makes perfect. About training in music”

Klavier intim
Klavierunterricht mit Spaß

Feel like it?

If you are interested, please use the contact form. We look forward to musical adventures and will get in touch immediately.
